Wednesday, August 22, 2012

Already Attained.

Today is my 5th full day here in Belgium and it is so hard for me to explain everything that is happening.

The other day I was in Philippians 3; I love this chapter and in verse 12 Paul describes how he has not 'already obtained all this, or have already arrived at my goal, but I press on to take hold of that for which Christ Jesus took hold of me.' This was an often visited chapter while I was fundraising for Belgium and gave me the strength and faith to 'press on toward the goal to win the prize for which God has called me heavenward in Christ Jesus'

When I was cleared to deploy to Belgium, I felt as if I had arrived at a goal, that the endurance was all to step into what Christ had already taken a hold of. Now that I am here these verses still encourage me...

There is so much that I have yet to 'take hold of''; no apartment, no car, not many friends, no French or way of communicating with the locals, and most important ministry adventures still await. However, as I am pressing on and looking forward, I can't help but feel right where I am supposed to be. In verse 16 of the same chapter in Philippians, Paul writes, 'Only let us live up to what we have already attained.' I have never given this verse full thought! It would be so negligent of me to focus only on the have-nots and the losses. It is my tendency to have the faith of a train - and not in the good way! I want to keep moving, keep arriving, keep striving, without realizing what Christ has already won for me.

The two words in this verse strike me deep; already attained. It is my prayer and my focus to keep reaching heavenward, while still striving to live up to, and be GRATEFUL for, all that Christ has already attained in my life...

I am here in Belgium.
I have a place to stay.
I have supporters who so faithfully and generously support and pray for me.
I have amazing family and friends who encourage me to live out God's call.
I already know kids in the St. John's, Waterloo and ISB community.
I have families who have rallied around me locally.
I have the assurance of salvation in Christ!

Realizing what has already been attained allows my feet to be firmly rooted in gratitude, to strain my neck heavenward, to soak in the goodness of Christ and drink of His fullness. No matter what prize or goal I am straining towards, my heart is at peace as I acknowledge, am grateful for, and live up to all that has already been attained!!